(Not as scary as I look, I promise)
I sometimes wonder if we’re in the wrong timeline like on that episode of NextGen where Tasha Yar was never killed, they encounter the Enterprise-C, and Guinan tells Picard “it’s not supposed to be like this, there should be children on this ship,” or words to that effect.
However, people probably felt that way too when JFK was shot; from where I’m standing, the real fracture in the timeline occurred on 9/11, and things have only gotten more batshit crazy and fractured as time goes by.
For another view on installing antivirus software on Linux, see this: https://easylinuxtipsproject.blogspot.com/p/security.html?m=1#ID1.1
Hey, how did you get hold of my passphrase?! 😵
“Does your tobacco taste different lately?”
Has a certain ring to it 👍 (Should we vote on this? Can we vote on this? Probably would want to get the ok first from the Admins since it is their baby).
Snaggletooth is kind of scary-looking 😱🙀, but ok!
From Wikipedia: “It was later suggested by some that the name originated from the phrase “lemmy a quid 'til Friday” because of his alleged habit of borrowing money from people to play slot machines.”
Frasier Crane, the sitcom character, is played by Kelsey Grammar who is a Trumpster.
🤔 Is that official?
Though I was on a secession kick for my particular blue part of the US a while back, and as tempting as the idea remains, I’m worried that splitting up the country would probably sink the world economy. What would happen to the US Dollar, which is the world’s reserve currency? How would you divide up the national debt? How would you divide up the military? etc. Fun to think about, but probably not a great idea.
Hopefully he’ll end up in the same circle of hell as Kyrsten Sinema (if I remember my Dante correctly, this means that Satan himself will be nibbling on their heads for all eternity alongside Judas, Brutus, and Cassius).
Ah, well that’s not so good then . . . 🙁
Not to put on the tinfoil hat or anything, but the Dems are so clueless and ineffectual that I sometimes wonder if one or more people on that list are GOP moles.
Sad, but probably true.
Unless I’m missing something, didn’t Yen just praise 🍄’s pick for antitrust AG? I forget her name, but her Wikipedia page didn’t make her sound all that great, so I’m not sure what exactly he was praising her for. If that’s all it is (and it might not be!) that hardly sounds like a betrayal.
EDIT: I was missing something! See this.
From the article, thing #6:
Spread the truth
Get news through reliable sources, and spread it. If you hear anyone spreading lies and Trump propaganda, including local media, contradict them with facts and their sources.
Here are some of the sources I currently rely on for the truth: the Guardian, Democracy Now, Business Insider, the New Yorker, the American Prospect, Americans for Tax Fairness, the Economic Policy Institute, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, ProPublica, Labor Notes, the Lever, Popular Information, Heather Cox Richardson and, of course, my Substack.
See article for links. Interesting that none of the US’s newspapers of record make his list…
Anyone know of a list of current Fox sponsors? X sponsors, etc.?
Why did you leave .world, if you don’t mind my asking, and just out of curiosity?
I think this might be because they’re worried that if Rubio doesn’t get it that Trump will nominate someone even worse.