The capitalists got him, guys
The capitalists got him, guys
It really was great. And I did wonder Death Wolf Big Cock so he’s not alone.
“I happened to see your search history after clicking the menu and then history and then view history and then export to pdf and then sent it to my personal device and then reviewed it for hours on accident hehe”
I admire your confidence
Bummed that it came across that way because I absolutely do not feel like that.
Biden has my wife and kids locked up in a political prison, if I don’t spread anti china propaganda via memes on my lemmy instance, he’s going to kill them
I mean, I agree with you? I wasn’t saying it’s a moral plan just explaining to the parent poster that people don’t need to be exorbitantly wealthy to “buy” a new device
Very few people spend $1000 outright on a phone, you know that right? Every major mobile provider has some sort of installment plan for purchasing a new device. Apple offers one directly as well.
Bro went thermonuclear with this take
This looks pretty cool and I admire the science and technical accomplishment of the thing itself, but I’m curious what amateur radio hobbyists actually do with this technology, just on a day to day basis? Like once you have it set up and everything, what is a typical radio hobby session like?
It’s not about falling into the koi pond, it’s about how long it takes to get out
“His family built this country by the way” was a reference to an episode of The Office, where a character pretends his name is Buttlicker and says that line. Pretty sure it wasn’t about you being an elite or any of that.
I always remember because Jonathan has an American accent and Christopher has a British one which I always found super interesting for some reason, due to where they were each primarily raised/attended school
Jonathan is actually Christopher Nolan’s brother
+5 clones of the rapper Ma$e
Still a solid answer, though, even not understanding the assignment.
Dude just wants to see his parents smash
I drink my horchata warm because fuck ICE