This is fake and gay. Literally
Yeah, 20 dudes is rookie numbers
Ikr? I’ve fucked more guys than that, and I’m straight
I think he was referring to so far that night, right? Right?!?
i mean, he is an anon.
Yeah, the fact that OP mentioned being at a party was sus. Nobody who posts on 4 Chan is ever invited to parties.
Yep, these are manufactured posts meant to create hate against women from something that never happened.
Dude is also genderless.
I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. We’re all dudes!
I worked at a university and I heard women call each other “bro” all the time.
My teenage daughters say “bruh” pretty often.
My gen z sister in law says bro way more than me.
Almost like OP is making shit up
It is almost certainly made up for the sake of the joke, but I’ve absolutely met women like this.
Dude for me is genderless, but it’s not a label everyone can fit into, you gotta be chill.
If they don’t abide, they lack dudeness
Depends on the context.
“Hey Brian, were you making out with a dude last night!?”
“Haha, no, that was Annie, she’s a chick, she just has short hair.”
Dude(s) and Guy(s) can be gender neutral or male-only. Girl can mean a female child, or it can mean a woman, depending on the context.
That means it’s not gender neutral, it just means you use male as a default in most contexts.
Its gener neutral male leaning and is context specific. Like bastard or fucker.
“Bastard” is what you call “male leaning” because it was used for male children born outside of marriage who therefore couldn’t inherit titles.
It wasn’t used much for girls cause they couldn’t inherit titles anyway, so it didn’t matter.“Fucker” is “male leaning” cause women were historically not seen as doing the fucking. They were fucked.
But pegging.
I feel like it’s a PhD thesis material
Only in the right class.
Dude is a network monitoring tool as well.
Nah, that’s the dude
No, that’s the admin of my instance, and he’s not a tool, he’s quite chill.
Me? I know who I am! I’m a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.
Cunt is also genderless.
I’m a cunt. He’s a cunt. She’s a cunt. We’re all cunts!
but am i a dude?
If you have to ask…
And The Dude abides
Listen to this dude.
I have female colleagues that have yelled at me for calling them dude.
People really dont understand how languages work. Even brother and man can be gender neutral. If you say “man, whyd you do that” thats gender neutral. Same with dude and guy.
Whatever you say, girliepop
I’m a man but I love when people call me babygirl or something like that
Yo, something like that, send nudes
They look hot
Niiiiice. This is like porn in the 00s.
Mine: 8=========>
don’t body shame me :'//
Is this the latest iteration of “tits or GTFO”? I haven’t been keeping up
It was a dad joke and you missed it.
This. I’ve got a fair few trans friends, and we’re all in agreement - unless it’s obvious we’re talking in gendered terms based on context, “dude”, “man”, “bro”, etc are just interjections, not reference to someone’s gender. And, when we are talking in gendered contexts, we tend to be pretty clear about that.
It’s really great that you have friends who are in a good enough place to not worry about that stuff.
This is really great news to me as I am all about telling my dudes it’s Wednesday!
Idk about the rest of it but dude and guys can totally be gender neutral and i hate people that dont get that. Its such a bitchy thing to get mad about
Also queen, “James, you’re such an Excel queen”. I’ve seen this sort of use many times at my workplace. It doesn’t have anything to do with gender or sexual orientation.
It’s obviously more niche than “dude” but I’ve seen it before.
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Claims to understand language
doesn’t understand word is being used in a non-gendered manner… The verb is completely detached from the noun in normal use. You could say Elon musk is the world’s richest bitch and that would not be even insulting. That would be a snide way to say he is exceedingly wealthy. If I said Elon Musk that rich bitch? then again, bitch would not be being used in a derogatory or gendered manner. If I said Elon musk is a massive bitch. Now we have finally arrived at an insult. Still not gendered.
Edit side to snide
Bitchy is also unisex
deleted by creator
And pussy, right?
But like…I think it goes beyond just gender specificity & is also an attempt to address the embedded patriarchy of our culture & language. Those interjection words being male of center as a default is something I wanna unpack, too.🤷🏽
As another comment said “queen” being gender neutral and coming from a word used for females originally. Also patriarchy is embedded in language but you cant really change it. Its always better to agree on a gender neutral phrase than have an infight(classic left wing moment…) and then revert to the previous gendered language because of it. We should all just speak hungarian, barely any gendered stuff in there(def not biased because its my mother tounge)
Then let’s also start using sis and girl when referring to men. BOOM EQUALITY!
Lol Elon Musk would probably start banning all users who did this on Twitter if it gained any traction.
Yes! Thank you for stating this.
Human … man, it’s a just shorter version 😉
Is woman short for womb-man?
No, the etymology is actually completely distinct from the gendered usage of “man.” It’s actually quite interesting.
gay men call each other sis and girl all the time too, for alternatives that go in reverse
me@lemmy~$ man
Bro y u so wrong
Thats a joke right? Because youre getting downvoted, but you yourself called me bro without knowing my gender so it must be a joke or youre the most oblivious person ive ever seen.
Is jokes
I hope they’re joking, otherwise they need to get back to Facebook with the rest of their ilk.
Would be a classic facebook moment. Gender neutral guy is like singular they/them. “That is not natural bla bla bla, use he/she” and then you ask them “do you know who alex is” and they respond “no, i dont know who they are” which is using singular they or just assume their gender.
I always “y’all” and I’m not even from the south.
Y’all gives modern English the second person plural it would otherwise be missing
What about youse?
Yousa bombad, meesa like muy muy!
I hate you with every fiber of my being
I’ve always been fond of “yinz”, despite never having been to Pittsburgh
Yinz welcome to try our chipped ham ‘n’at regardless
Heys youse guys!
Youse mugs
“You” used to be that word, but mfs didn’t wanna say “thou” anymore so “you” has to pull double duty now
In Ireland it’s still very common to use ‘ye’ for you plural.
Hear ye, hear ye.
Missing? It is that part of speech! 😁 “You all,” the thing it conjoins, is proper English and the accurate thing to say. We do have it. We just refuse to try harder to be less patriarchal bc “guy” has less syllables. And most of the time it’s preceded by “you” anyway, so not even shorter. (If I’m wrong, someone please correct me)
I take the time to correct myself in meetings, “when can you guys- ahem you all” - no apology, bc I’m doing my best, and demonstrating in my actions.
The only two things the South got right were “y’all” and biscuits and gravy.
And chicken and waffles. And BBQ.
Honestly, not actually a fan of y’all, but they have some fantastic food.
Try some chicken and waffles when you get the chance - 5000 calories have never tasted so good.
Chicken and waffles are about as authentically southern as General Tso’s chicken is authentically Chinese.
In parts of the south “y’all” is singular. “All y’all” is plural.
“Would ya’ll like a soda?” Vs. “Would all ya’ll like a soda?” - one of these means everyone shares one soda, the other means each person gets their own - but I don’t know which is which :O
You misspelled coke. Nobody says “soda” in the south, coke covers that. You have sprite coke, root beer coke, etc.
“Would y’all like a coke?”
“Would all y’all like cokes?”
As a super non-Southern USA guy, anytime I drop a “y’all” into convo, my Southerner friends say I’m not doing it right because I simply substitute all “you” instances with “y’all”.
I guess these friends don’t come from the singular-y’all part of the South.
Y’all is a really good pronoun and I think more people should use it.
It makes everyone sound American. This is sometimes okay.
As a Canadian, I use y’all, but usually only if the word ‘motherfuckers’ immediately follows it.
As someone from the west coast, I disagree.
I like comrade more, but y’all is shorter.
i’m from australia and i’ve adopted yall for exactly that reason
it also makes me real happy that some very transphobic shit heads would be furious if they knew that “their word” was part of the solution to gender neutral terminology
All zones can be the yall zone
I definitely use “guy” as gender neutral. I used to refer to women as “dude” as well, but it was a bit controversial so I stopped
I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. We’re all dudes!
I also follow the Less than Jake linguistic model.
We need a new word. I suggest blob
Beware of the blob, it creeps, and leaps, and slides and glides along the floor, right through the door and all around the wall, a splotch, a blotch, be careful of the blob POP
“Ladydudes” is the way to go.
Dudes and Dudettes
If you must use a redneckism then at least put the apostrophe in the right place.
You can’t tell me what to do. (But you are still correct…)
What yal’l talking 'bout?
apostrophes are for stupid libs
| ; , | ,’ '_
I have used y’all in a singular sense, then all of y’all in a plural sense before 🤦
That’s some deep south nonsense right there.
All ya’ll drawl an appall.
That spelling is “ya[you] will” and I’ll brook no disagreement. As in, “ya’ll turn right at the Sunoco and go three more rights. Then it’ll be on ya left.”
The OTS is “y’all” for “you all.”
Gentlemen and gentle women.
if someone called me that, I would immediately throw up
Hey, ladydude !
i was able to make it to the bathroom in time. this time…
That’s on you, ladydude
Please dont ever call me ladydude, dude is fine 😅
This is a good joke but it really lets itself down by switching from “guys” to “dudes” when it’s about the former word…
“You fuckers” is the correct nomenclature
“Fuckos” for informal situations
That’s male-coded in Spanish
Not in Australia it isn’t. I see your cultural imperialism is still in full throttle.
I’m fairly sure Spanish works the same in Australia as elsewhere. Might be wrong, haven’t been down under :P
Spanish isn’t widely spoken down here though. The origin is completely different. We have a habit of adding -o to various words in Australian parlance - bottleo for bottle shop, the name John becomes Johno, arvo for afternoon, ambo for ambulance driver and fuckos for fuckers. Your assumption it’s spanish is incorrect and culturally ignorant, and your attempt to dictate from that ignorance with the assumption that your personal experience and worldview is dominant and correct …tsk tsk tsk i’m afraid this is going to cost you.
No hablo inglés, por desgracia
It’s not a problem until someone tells you to not refer to them as a dude or a guy. If you continue, you are just an asshole 🤷🏻
Sure, but we’re talking plurals of strangers atm. “Please don’t call me a guy going forward” is a different conversation than “what you just said is stupid, mean, and wrong”.
Your facts are not what OP wrote, though. And in this context the facts are relevant, which is the point.
Bad red herring.
We don’t know what happened. What makes you think that what op wrote isn’t the facts. I can totally see something like that happening it’s not at all unbelievable.
It’s the same picture?
No it really isn’t. One clearly and directly communicates a need. The other response shies away from that and insults without explaining why.
Drag… Supposes, that’s how it would look without applying much empathy. But if someone gets called something and says it’s bad, it must be clear they don’t like it. If they’re angry, that’s a kind of upset. It means they could be hurting. Drag would understand no matter how someone phrased it.
If the other party is 3, then yes. From adults I expect ability to differentiate between stating a need and throwing a tantrum.
Drag is very forgiving when a trans person is upset they’ve been misgendered. Growing up as the wrong gender is traumatic. It can literally give you cPTSD and personality disorders. Being triggered because you feel like you’re back in that situation is a completely understandable response. Drag uses gender neutral “guys”, but acknowledges that it’s a dangerous practice, and if you hurt someone then you need to own it. They don’t owe anyone politeness in that moment. If drag didn’t like that responsibility, drag wouldn’t take risks with other people’s mental health.
Out of curiosity, have your therapist told you ever about the dangers of using third person pronoun when expressing yourself? Like it strengthens the disassociation between you and your body and mind, etc. etc? If not, please change them.
This is coming from a genuine place, I’m not trying to be sarcastic or mean.
Or, just maybe. The person remarking is an asshole. It gives off the same energy as correcting grammar when talking with someone.
Why does the other persons energy matter? If someone requests not to be called something and you continue to call them that then you are kinda being a jerk. It’s not the same as correcting someone’s grammar.
Cause it’s rude. Like correcting grammar in a conversation. Both would be equally rude.
Nobody wants to be told that what they’ve learned and have been taught to them their whole life is now an offense. Just like nobody wants to be misgendered on purpose.
“Learning new things is offensive”
Big yikes